If you have items that are in question, please call the district office at:

(479) 452-4101

Green Collar Careers

Today not only can you work on becoming more responsible toward resource management, now you can make resource management a place where you work.  In other words you can live green, but make a living in green businesses.

While a background in environmental studies – environmental engineering, environmental science, hydrology – still offers a solid foundation for eco jobs, the chosen course of study should really be dictated by the role an individual wants to play within an organization.

Here are some career descriptions that are options for a Green Collar Career:
•    Green Architect
•    Recycling Center Operator
•    Biodiversity loss
•    Environmental Justice
•    Alternative Energy Engineer: Wind/Solar
•    Water Quality
•    Environmental Businesses
•    Environmental Chemists
•    Environmental Geologist
•    Pollution Prevention Specialists
•    Environmental Communicators & Eductors
•    Conservation Biologist
•    Park Service
•    Energy Economist
•    Recycling Businesses
•    Green Community planning
•    LEED — Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Contractor
•    Entrepreneur  in environmental business


If you know of other opportunities in environmental Careers please let us know.