If you have items that are in question, please call the district office at:

(479) 452-4101

Informational Flyers

There are many educational materials available from ECCOpartners. Here are a few of the items we have developed for educational and recycling information. Contact the Sebastian County Solid Waste District for more information on how we can assist your educational and institutional needs @ 479-452-4101.

ECCOflier_1-2   Rolloff_Recycle_LAVACA_FINAL2Illegal_Burn_Flyer_1RV_BackIllegal_Burn_Flyer_1RV_Frontgardenshow1flatgardenshow2flatRolloff_Recycle_LAVACA_FINAL1ECCOflier_2-2ECCOflier_eWasteFINAL-1ECCOflier_eWasteFINAL-2ECCOflier_1-1ECCOflier_2-1